This year Mediobanca has decided to support the integrated protection programme for female refugees and asylum seekers who are survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) which in Italy is run by the UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissoner for Refugees. The programme offers female refugees who are survivors of GBV and victims of the slave trade to find shelter, understanding, support and assistance in their progress to physical and psychological healing and their reintegration into the community, helping them take back control of the decisions affecting their lives.

Press release


The marginalisation of the most vulnerable is damaging for the entire community from all perspectives. Everyone can actually make their own contribution to developing the local area and the community in which they live, but they need support and a solid and inclusive social network.

On the strength of this belief, we support many projects targeted at social inclusion in different areas.


Sport is a powerful way of bringing people together socially and through our projects we support its strong values: loyalty, sense of belonging, determination and team work.


INSIEME is a long term project created in collaboration with CUS Milano Rugby and the Municipality of Milan to promote sport for young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and at risk of exclusion in several outer-Milan districts. The initiative, launched in 2017 by the Quarto Oggiaro zone, was subsequently extended to via Padova and Baggio. In addition to the teaching of the sporting disciplines of rugby, volleyball and track and field, we also provide a psychologist who offers support for the most difficult family situations. Group volunteers also took part activities in the field. The Group has also financed the refurbishment of the most run down sports facilities in the areas involved. The Group has renewed its support for a third three-year period (2023-26).

Press release 2021
Press release 2019
Press release 2017

This year too we decided to bring the values of sport to the challenging environment of prison, running our multi-sport camp at the “Cesare Beccaria” young offenders’ institution for the seventh year. The camp offers the detainees an opportunity to take part in a variety of sports for a week, in a competitive environment which instills respect for the rules and fair play. We also carried out maintenance and reports to the sports facilities as part of our involvement. Last year different volunteers take part in the activities each year, working together with the staff.

In the United Kingdom, the Mediobanca London branch office has launched a partnership with the local charity St Mungo’s, including volunteering activities by some of the branch colleagues, to help the homeless find secure housing.

Social and job inclusion

We promote and support projects that address difficult family and personal situations, by attempting to reintegrate young people at risk of truancy and social exclusion into the community and job networks.

Woodworking Academy

The Woodworking Academy represents, for us at Mediobanca, a stand-out project in the field of social inclusion. On the back of their ongoing focus on young people at risk of social exclusion, Mediobanca and Mediobanca Premier have renewed their long-term partnership with Associazione Cometa to run a project under the name of Accademia del Legno (the “Academy of Woodworking”), now in its seventh year of activity, an organization to be run according to a social business model which facilitates the inclusion of young people coming from situations of social, economic and personal difficulties in the workplace, with the objective of becoming a sustainable and self-standing business, which develops services and products of excellence in the furnishing and interior décor sector. There are therefore two sides to the Academy: on the one hand it focuses on training, which is essential for the growth and future career of the students enrolled in the “Oliver Twist” school run by Cometa; while on the other, it functions as a genuine, artisanal start-up venture, manufacturing products of high value in quality terms to be marketed in Italy and exported to international markets. The project has been confirmed for the next three years (2021-24).

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Sul tema dell’income divide, inoltre, Mediobanca ha sottoscritto accordi con l’università Sant’Anna di Pisa, il Politecnico di Milano e quello di Torino, impegnandosi a sostenere economicamente gli studi dei borsisti meritevoli appartenenti alle fasce economicamente più deboli, aiutandoli anche a inserirsi nel mondo del lavoro, tramite attività di mentoring ed eventuali offerte di stage.

In the area of the income divide, Mediobanca has also signed agreements with the Sant’Anna University in Pisa, the Polytechnic University in Milan and the Polytechnic University in Turin, committing to provide financial support to students from the lowest income-bracket areas in the form of merit-based grants, and helping them as they look to enter the workplace through mentoring activities and where appropriate the offer of internships.

This year too Mediobanca and Fondazione Mission Bambini are consolidating the  partnership  l launched in 2020 with the aim of guaranteeing quality education services for children living in some of the most vulnerable areas. By supporting Mission Bambini’s “Shine” project, Mediobanca will provide free access for fifteen children to kindergartens or infant schools in the cities of Bari, Catania, Milan, Naples and Rome.

The corporate volunteering activities provided by Mediobanca Group staff will also help develop the inside and outside areas of the educational facilities identified as part of the project, creating spaces that are welcoming and filled with light, where children can play and take part in their educational activities and workshops.

Read press release here 

A new project has been launched to help 400 children and young people of elementary and middle school age at two comprehensive institutions located in socially vulnerable areas on the outskirts of Milan and Rome.

The initiative entails redevelopment of the school premises, with the help of the corporate social volunteering scheme promoted by the Mediobanca Group, in which staff members have taken part in repainting the inside areas, including classrooms and corridors, and launch of a counselling service to provide psychological and emotional support for the schoolchildren in a dedicated area (“Spazio Mission Bambini”) to be opened in a school in Rome.

The initiative has also involved re-greening an area of the metropolitan city of Milan, by planting 500 new trees and plants, again with the support of a group of volunteers from the Mediobanca Group.
Read the press release here

In 2022, the partnership involved redeveloping the outside areas of schools from an educational perspective by creating a sensory garden, developed as part of a corporate volunteering project promoted by the Mediobanca Group, providing psychological and emotional support for the children through the creation of a dedicated area (Spazio Mission Bambini), and enhancing the schools’ computer facilities.

Over a thousand new trees were planted on the outskirts of Milan with the participation of Group volunteers.

In 2021, again in partnership with Mission Bambini, we supported a project entitled “Look to the Future”, which involved: enhancing schools’ provision in terms of computer equipment, improving the state of repair of school buildings through corporate volunteering activity, and education for sustainable development, with a thousand new trees planted with the help of Group volunteers.

Healthcare inclusion

Health is an inalienable human right. Assistance for the sick is not only important from a medical point of view, but from a psychological perspective. For this reason, we support numerous charities active in the Milan area in the health and socio-assistance domain.

Mediobanca Premier has also chosen to support the Italian league against cancer for the Milan-MonzaBrianza area, by strengthening the Childcare programme for children and young people with cancer and their families, with the objective of providing them with care and assistance throughout the entire period in which they are in hospital.

Mediobanca has confirmed its support for VIDAS, a charity  provides complete healthcare and assistance free of charge to patients suffering with terminal cancer, both at home and in the Casa Vidas hospice in Milan. We pledged our contribution to the association the Casa Sollievo Bimbi which provides care and relief for children and young people at advanced stages of incurable diseases and their families.

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RAM Active Investments, through the RAM Active Philanthropy Foundation, backs this organisation based in South Africa which supports initiatives for the care of orphans as a result of their parents dying from AIDS.

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RAM Active Investments supports this association which seeks to improve the health of the rural populations in India, Cambodia and Madagascar by offering them sustainable and independent access to safe drinking water.

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RAM Active Investments supports this Swiss organisation which, as part of a “specialised care” programme, welcomes children with diseases and malformations who require specialised operations and advanced technologies not available in their country of origin.

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CMB Monaco ha partecipato a un’operazione di inclusione e accesso alla cultura con l’associazione Les Enfants de Frankie, per consentire ai bambini disabili di partecipare alla mostra estiva di Claude Monet presso il Grimaldi Forum

CMB Monaco took part in a cultural inclusion and access programme with the Les Enfants de Frankie association, to allow disabled children to participate in the Claude Monet summer exhibition held at the Grimaldi Forum.